How BIG is yours?

That is, music collection. Seems like everyone is proud of their big (physically, cost-wise etc) stereo systems. I want to know how big your music collection is. I always ask when I conduct a transaction, half out of curiosity, half wondering whether to trust the sonic biases of someone who owns maybe fifty-sixty albums/CDs tops. I'll start: I have around 500 LPs and 1500 CDs, more and more of which are the excellent DCC Gold and XRCD variety. Would you rather spend $100 on trying music you haven't heard or trying a new power cord (no wrong answer here, I do both)?
I think people sort of gloss over the music they have, using generic terms like jazz when they mean Kenny G or classic when they mean star wars soundtrack. But hey, why not? If it sounds good, even for a while, I say get it. I can admit I have the Armageddon soundtrack (what was I thinking?) I have all sorts of pop and folk music some in languages I barely understand if at all: Brasilian, Celtic, Japanese rock, pop, Canto-pop, Taiwanese folk, Mandarin-pop, R&B, Jazz, Lieder, opera (yes!), various chant, all kinds of rock/pop, chamber music, duets, solos, orchestral. I don't have funked-out synth music but I do have a test tone CD. That's what's so great about music. Oh, I admit, the gear is fun, too.
OK, I'm a light weight. I've spent most of my money on gear and speaker upgrades the last few years. Software wise we're talking in the neighborhood of around 500 cd's. Slightly off topic I own around 300 DVD's. I guess you could say I'm a movie junkie to.

I am a piker here, with maybe 250 or 300 CDs, and maybe 100 albums (got rid of a lot over the years, just kept the ones I knew I could never get on CD, mostly old blues).

Even so, I had the problem you describe -- go into a music store, and couldn't remember which album other audiogoner's thought was an artist's best. Or did I already have that album!

My answer? A PalmPilot. I got a Sony model (S-320) for $135 new from Dell, and am using HandyShopper (a freeware shopping list program that is amazingly flexible). I'm putting in all the music I already have, and entering albums I want to buy. I realize it's a long-shot, but if you have a Palm, I would be happy to email you a database you can use as a starting point.

This has been awesome for me. I was in Chicago over the summer, had one hour (that's all!) in what has to be the best Jazz/Blues record store in the country (Jazz Record Mart). I was able to cruise through finding stuff I wanted. Could never have done it without help!

Happy hunting!

- Eric
About 2000 CDs. Also, a few crates of 1980's New Wave LPs that are either warped from heat or moldy. God, I miss 'em!!!!

Brad, Atlanta