How BIG is yours?

That is, music collection. Seems like everyone is proud of their big (physically, cost-wise etc) stereo systems. I want to know how big your music collection is. I always ask when I conduct a transaction, half out of curiosity, half wondering whether to trust the sonic biases of someone who owns maybe fifty-sixty albums/CDs tops. I'll start: I have around 500 LPs and 1500 CDs, more and more of which are the excellent DCC Gold and XRCD variety. Would you rather spend $100 on trying music you haven't heard or trying a new power cord (no wrong answer here, I do both)?

I am a piker here, with maybe 250 or 300 CDs, and maybe 100 albums (got rid of a lot over the years, just kept the ones I knew I could never get on CD, mostly old blues).

Even so, I had the problem you describe -- go into a music store, and couldn't remember which album other audiogoner's thought was an artist's best. Or did I already have that album!

My answer? A PalmPilot. I got a Sony model (S-320) for $135 new from Dell, and am using HandyShopper (a freeware shopping list program that is amazingly flexible). I'm putting in all the music I already have, and entering albums I want to buy. I realize it's a long-shot, but if you have a Palm, I would be happy to email you a database you can use as a starting point.

This has been awesome for me. I was in Chicago over the summer, had one hour (that's all!) in what has to be the best Jazz/Blues record store in the country (Jazz Record Mart). I was able to cruise through finding stuff I wanted. Could never have done it without help!

Happy hunting!

- Eric
About 2000 CDs. Also, a few crates of 1980's New Wave LPs that are either warped from heat or moldy. God, I miss 'em!!!!

Brad, Atlanta
Man, you guys have lots of music.. Amazing.... where do you find the time to listen to over a thousand cd's lol. I have a collection of maybe 50, i feel ashamed..

Happy Listening
About 3200 cds, 2500 lps, and 175 sacds so far. The last year or so i have been more discriminating with my aquisitions. I still buy about 10 cds and 5 lps a month although i can feel an lp binge comeing on as i just bought a Clearaudio Insider Gold and am really enjoying it. A conductor friend just gave me a list of his personal favorite classical cds so i will be hot on the trail of those soon too. I guess i am hopeless.