Male Jazz singers - any recommendations?

I have a great appreciation for female jazz singers (Sarah Vaughan being my favorite). But when I was listening to a Horace Silver cd, lately (BTW: the RvG edition and some others are on sale right now at Towers for 9.99$), there was a male singer on the last track and it suddenly struck me, that I was completely oblivious of male jazz singers so far.
Now I'm looking for some recommendations. The Kind-of-Blue/My-Favorite-Things/Koeln-Concert-type of male jazz singer performances. Any suggestions are very welcome.
I only know a handful of his performances, so can anyone recommend any Billy Eckstein recordings? The same goes for Leon Thomas.

Chazzbo is right, Kurt Elling can be a little too cute, but I've seen him live a half dozen times and know how good he really is. The records only hint at his true inventiveness and risk taking. He extends himself and sometimes it works and somethimes it works less well. Also, Jimmy Scott is an acquired taste. You'll either love him or wonder out loud what the fuss is about.
Most of the greats have been mentioned -- Chazzbo has some good suggestions for you. One of the younger singers that hasn't been mentioned is Kevin Mahogany. Some of his covers, to my ears, are flat out great. Also, for you younger guys, if you want something soothing / seductive to play in the jazz area when you have a date over, Kevin Mahogany is just fine.
Yes Mohogany is pretty good (see him in the great docmentary film "Remebering Kansas City" that Altman did when he made that crummy movie based there.But he has guys like Joshua Redman dressed up as Prez having another guy dreesed as The Hawk haveiung cutting contests.Ron carter,Syrus Chessnut,Geri Adams,etc=it's fun-hey maybe I should start a thread on jazz movies-best ever was Bert Sterns "Jazz on a Summers Day"-0reason to buy a DVD player if there ever was one).But the problem with Mohogany is again the prior genration had DEEP blues Shouters like Jimmy Rushing or the man who replaved him in Basies band (the hardest swinging swing band ever!) Joe Williams.Mahogany might be Ok 'cause he's here,young,and you can see hi-but buy "count Basie Swings Joe Williams Sings" and tell me Mahogany could even carry Joe's water bucket.Bookend CD/Lp's would be that one which is blues and another called "The Greatest" where Williams sings more standards-Yowza!!!!!!!!!!Hey while I am parked hear I am not sure if anybody metioned Chet.Not everybodys cup of Tea.You love him or hate him.Put him in the former categorie for me.Like Jimmy Smith very androgenous.I think maybe after Sinatra and Johnny Mathis maybe more guys (and gals) have scored to his singing than anybody.And that doesen't even touch his trumpet playing which was a 50's senation with the Gerry Mulligan piano-less Quartet.Reccomnded "The Best Of Chet Baker Sings" Pacific/Capitol (Picture of him at a piano) and "Bakers Holiday" which is from late 60's just before he got his teeth knocked out.Great Coronet playing and tune selection on that one.More as time permits..........
Check out Ecksteins "No Cover No Minnimum" On Roullette (Verve CD?) and one on Mercury Called "Billy's Best" both which are availible on CD.On LP look for one called live at Basin Street On Emarcy.Also read a review of another LP only one on AMG where you can read the story of how he had "THE BAND".This is the most famous non-recorded band of all time.All of the future be-bop and hard bob stars were in it and when you read the list your eyes pop out.He just liked the ways these guys played was into the bob thing (so was gene Krup with his late 40's band with Ainta O'Day BTW-Awesome!!!!!) and hired these guy when more conservattive singers and bandleader wouldn't.Too bad the wartime AFM recording ban was in effect prohibitting members from recording. P.S.YeahI gues I have to say I am a freak for Nat as I bought his 18 CD Mosaic box on ebay for $600.But as was said Louis and Bing both invented the from in KC back in the 20's they are the greatest.Maybe not Der Bingle he went comercial right away and left jazz bu the 30's.but let's face it singing,playing,whatever.Louis may have gotten way too much air time in Burns's documentary but he is the greatest single figure in jazz history for having been the first to improvise (Sindney Bechet some say) on record and hanving invented scatting and the whole vocal form.Read bergrans Loius Armstrong A life" (I think I have that right-bio was long time on Times best seller list)-one of the best written jazz bio's ever-best collection though is "Reading Jazz" Editted by Gottlieb.Buy it if you ever have any interest in jazz.Best Guide book (I have 20 gojng back to late 40's) the Alll Music Guide to Jazz-the only book you need to fill a jazz library-better than Penguin,Rough Guide etc.They also have a web site where you can plug anyone in from Cannonball Addrerly to John Zorn and get a reliable set of reccomendations.
To each his own, and I wouldn't deny you your joy. But I just can't stand Chet Baker's voice. He was flat, off key and had no range or dynamics. Just an over rated pretty boy junkie "pop" Jazz marketing tool. He left behind a rather infamous reputation. I should be more forgiving of the dead, but I just don't understand what the fuss was about. I will say he did play with some of the most lyrical, intellectual and imaginative musicians of his era. Mind you, I have even less talent.