little known musicians we should hear

I know i'm missing out on some great obscure or relatively obscure music. please give me your recommendations. include anyone (or any lp) you love and recommend without reservation, if it may not be well known.

my short list would be:

alejandro escovedo-singer/songwriter/gtr player/band leader
the hank dogs - u.k. folkies w/ 2 albums
anne briggs - more folk from the u.k.
richie haven's new lp "the well" (if you ever loved any of his stuff, you need this!)
I just don't know any great obscure classical, jazz or rock...uh, the velvet who?

honourable mention:
"u.s. mombs" (my 16 yr old's a drummer. this is her thrash band. so sue me, I like seeing it in print)
Curve - THE best band too few have heard of. Their first albums are choice.

Polyphonic Spree - a new band I recently saw whose name is the descrpition of thier music (they have a chior). They do what few can, marrying happiness and talent.
T Bone Burnett has been around for some time but I only recently discovered his CD of the same name. Not sure what to call it-folk, country, or blue grass but it doesn't stray far from the top of the stack.
Paul Weller's solo albums (since 1990).
I like a lot of Jam songs and some Style council, but his solo albums are really far and away his best material. Poignant lyrics, great melodies, and good musicianship.
He's well known (revered) in the UK, but doesn't seem to have crossed the Atlantic.
Meat Beat Manifesto-dark and electric.
The Gentle People-romance in a spacey 60's.
Scott Walker-Sinatra gone insane.
Elysian Fields-Sexy,bluesy with a touch of angst.
Spirit-These guys were so good, you'd have thought they were
English.Great 60's rock
Gong, Van der Graaf Generator and King Crimson(pre-90's)-
shake hands with progressive rock.
Billbored? Never heard of it.
i'll continue my list with increadible and innovative jazz musicians that have already decades of performances but only on small and private surroundings:

phillip johnston,
matia bazar,
evan parker,
hugh hopper,
wayne horvitz,
torsten de winkel,
ravi coltrane,
sasi shalom,
sergey kuriokhin,
vladimir chekassin,
aleksander ganelin,
aleksey kozlov,
igor butman.