Detlof, interestingly enough, according to a piece recently out (see it here), Glenn Gould was interviewed very late in his life (according to the interviewer, conducted in his usual summer wear, "two sweaters, a woolen shirt, scarf, gloves, a long black coat, and a slouch hat" - reminds me of how you mentioned you saw him once in Austria) and he had something similar to say:
As well as being in line with your most recent comment above, I think it works remarkably well as an answer to the second part of your original question of "What is music and what does it do to us?" And if one accepts it as it is, it may become less important to answer the first part of the question.
"I believe that the justification of art is the internal combustion it ignites in the hearts of men and not its shallow, externalized, public manifestations. The purpose of art is not the release of a momentary ejection of adrenaline but rather the gradual, lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity."
As well as being in line with your most recent comment above, I think it works remarkably well as an answer to the second part of your original question of "What is music and what does it do to us?" And if one accepts it as it is, it may become less important to answer the first part of the question.