Live Jazz Trio Recordings

For those of you who enjoy live jazz recordings, here's
a couple of new ones:

Bruce Barth- Live at the Village Vanguard

Tony Monaco-Intimately Live at the 501
Ray Brown Trio - Live at Scullers, with Benny Green on piano and I forget who on drums, excellent.

Pat Metheney Trio - Bill Sewart on drums, Larry Grenadier on bass.
I love the earlier Ray Brown Trio with the amazing Gene Harris on piano. The Concord release BAM, BAM, BAM comes to mind as a great live one. That group had a real drive with a foundation in blues and gospel. Considering the age of the CD releases, the LPs are bound to have better fidelity.
the most extra-ordinary live-recorded trio i heard was Dieter Moebius'(Kluster) trio.
Three guys gathered arround the crowd in Koln with no prior preparations with synths and started to improvise. That made me to jump like Michael Jordan from excitement and musicians great possibilities.
I don't remember all of their names but the drummer was from Guru-Guru german band.
Bill Evans- Sunday Afternoon at the Village Vanguard. Yes,I know you said trio,but you might consider some of the Modern Jazz Quartet's concert recordings.