You'll find something of a division of opinion between those who like the florid, Romantic style and those who prefer a more "classical" approach. My suggestion is to try some of each and decide for yourself. I'm in the latter camp, and a big fan of John Williams. He's probably at his best with Baroque transcriptions. Check out "The Baroque Album" and his playing of the Bach lute suites--which may be his finest work. He did a CD of Barrios Mangore a few years back, "From the Jungles of Paraguay," or you can try his earlier effort on much of the same material, "Latin American Music of Barrios and Ponce." A good sampler of his work is "The Seville Concert." And then there's "Brouwer: The Black Decameron."
But I'm running on here. Best first choices are probably Seville and Bach.
But I'm running on here. Best first choices are probably Seville and Bach.