How do you get rid of loud crackling noise on Lps?

I just bought a record that looks like new & cleaned it on my VPI 17 Record Cleaner & still have loud crackling noise in the background. Is there any way of getting ride of this noise? The record looks like New! What caused this loud crackling noise? Thanks for any help you might give me.....JH
I purchased an "as new, made for radio station" version of a favorite on ebay. Noisiest record I own! Maybe record companies do something with the pressing to hype the midrange at the expense of the treble (FM cuts out around 14Khz right?) or figure a radio station will play it a ka-zillion times -enough to plow out the "groove-garbage" left over from the pressing? Keep playing yours and maybe it will "mellow out"...
I agree with Marakanetz, I get a few records that just sound bad. I have gotten sealed records that are noisy and $ 1.00 records that are amazing! I would simply look for a cleaner copy. The majority of lps that look mint sound quiet and great You can also try a zerostat to neutralize static and other lp tweaks!
one more hint:
i usually try to "upgrade" US records for german since german ones indeed as quiet as CDs and much superior sonically. certainly i pay more but trying to find a good online deals from there.