Sol, I think you got it - it's about finding a reference point to evaluate equipment performance.
Mbhcid, yep, got that. It is quite subtle, but I don't know enough about the sound implications editing process to have linked the two. Interesting, because the musicians who record at my parents house have fallen into two camps. One of the pianists will play a piece two or three times straight through and pick the best overall performance for the CD. Even if there are 'mistakes,' he feels it's the works overall tennor which conveys what he feels is most important. He loaths the idea of splicing different parts together. His approach may be contrasted against a certain Duo, who will perform a work many times, and often, just a segment of that piece many times. They then like to splice together the 'best' sub-performances into an overall work. While there are stylistic differences which emerge between the two recording styles, I've never listened critically to see if this technical approach leaves a fingerprint. So you've given me something to investigate further. Cool.
Best to all,