Siltech cable guages i.e. AWG


I've been trying to get some information on the gauge of some of the Siltech lineup and haven't been able to find any information. The Siltech website sucks, next to no information on their cables. I sent an e-mail a few days ago but haven't received a response.

It's the speaker cables and power cables I'm most interested in and at this point even seeing an aggregate gauge of the cables including shields would be of help.

I'm interested in the following:


Ruby Hill II
Ruby Mountain II

For power cables the largest gauge cable I'm familiar with is the Kimber PK-10 series which I believe is aggregate 10AWG so I can use that as a reference. Similarly for speaker cables the largest aggregate cable I'm familiar with is the Kimber Monocle XL which might be around 8AWG. So even if people were able to say for example the SPX-800 is roughly the same thickness as the PK-10, or the 770L is about as thick as the Monocle XL that helps me get an idea.

I was just talking with my dealer and he does not have any specifics about cable gauge and Siltech will not provide this information. He has tried and they have responded to my e-mails saying they won't disclose that information.

My dealer has both the 330L and 770L speaker cables and oddly enough they are the same thickness. He didn't have the 770L's on hand when I was by as they were lent out but he said the odd thing was even looking at the termination ends the cable thickness of the 2 models even appeared the same. So there is no difference in appearance but he said a definitive difference in sound.

He doesn't have any of the Royal Signature cables on hand but I'm now very curious if say the Prince and King for example are also indistinguishable from each other or is there an obvious difference in thickness between the two and does this continue as you move up the line? i.e. Emperor, Emperor Crown and Emperor Double Crown. Is anyone familiar with the Signature line that has seen these cables side by side? I would be curious about the Signature interconnects as well because he said like the speaker cables there is no physical difference between the 330i's and 770i's which I was able to take a look at and he does appear to be right.
Hi Brystonuser! ;)
For SCs :
Prince > King - Increase girth diameter in middle, also thicker at termination ends.
King > Emperor Crown - Similar girth, slightly thicker stiffer w/tighter twists at ends.
Emperor Crown > Double Crown - Visually similar perhaps only a 'tad' thicker at ends.

For ICs :
Compass Lake > Empress Crown > Empress Double Crown - All look fairly similar. Difference being only the model designation/names at their respective bullet plugs.

PCs :
Ruby Hill II > Ruby Mountain II - Definite step up in girth size at middle, as well~ends.
Ruby Mountain II > Ruby Double Crown - Again, visually similar, Ruby DC comes standard with Furutech F50 plugs. While Ruby M uses Wattgate, w/upgrade option to factory retrofit (+surcharge) same top Furutech carbon ones.

Have you tried/decided on any yet? I bet it will complement your Brystons very nicely.. But still best to request from your dealer a full loom loaner first to decide if they are really for you. For these money, choose and buy right, try to avoid/minimize any possibility of co$tly buyer's remorse later on. Goodluck.
I couldn't help you with clarifying the gauge of the cables you listed Bryston, suffice to say the new Siltech G7 cables are excellent cables imho & are built to last. Of the cables you mentioned, I use Siltech 330i rca's with my Oppo 103 dvd player and they have terrific resolution and tonal balance.

Of the cables you mentioned, the cables I would be happy to have in my system would be the Siltech King sc's & Ruby Mountain II pc's, though if it were me i'd spring for the Ruby Double Crown pc's.