We all want to change the world. Really?

Listening to Solomon Burke this rainy Sunday morning and was thinking while "None of us are free" was playing about how things have changed, at least for me, in my outlook, in my mind. Do you still believe in the power of music, or more particularly, in the power of lyrics in popular song to change the world, or at least put a dent in its miseries? In this bleak neo-conservative landscape where everything is up on the block, seems to me that songs of hope, of freedom, of solidarity are as we say in French "un coup d'épée dans l'eau". Sorry I can't find an English equivalent (try "like thrusting a sword in the water", for want of a better translation). Must be my age, but didn't a lot of people once believe that song did have the power to do it? Now it's either "kill the bitch" type lyrics or else words are mouthed with the simply cynical view of collecting the cash to live where the in-crowd lives, eat where the in-crowd eats and drive what the in-crowd drives. Probably also to listen on the high-end equipment the in-crowd uses to get all the fine inner detail and micro-dynamics of "protest songs". How many people slept in their beat-up cars last night? Better days are coming for sure, the GDP told me so.
As a favorite band of mine used to say, "One way or another, this darkness got to give". Keep the faith brother, I think all things are cyclical, including global politics.
You're right that we have less music (in North America) that directs our attention to the issues. More correctly, we have less popular music that does so -- gee, could that have anything to do with the oligopolies of the airwaves? On the other hand, great artists who tour smaller clubs have a lot to say about the social condition. For example, the extremely talented Matt King sings a refrain of "we're circling the drain" -- reminding us of how many are in exactly that circumstance.

So music remains a balm but popular musicians has lost interest in becoming a prod for social change. Maybe that's why their music's popular -- because people don't want to be reminded that things are not always right and good. Great artists with a message find ways to break through that with their art. There are always great artists among us -- come out, come out, wherever you are!
As sad as the "kill the bitch" mentality is, what's frightening is the "what do we do for an encore?".
The future builds on and tries to outdue the past so where do you go when you're at the bottom of the barrel?
The goons that produce this crap don't worry as they can afford to live in ivory (and ebony) towers complete with bodyguards. The rest of us just hope we don't run into anyone they've "inspired" with their "art".
There; I'm officially a "crabby old man"!