Which artists do you just not get?

I love folk. I love rock n roll. I love jazz, classical, C&W, blues and bluegrass.

At the risk of being labeled a troglodyte, a philestine, or worse, I've never been able to listen to Bob Dylan without getting a headache. Reminds me of a cat and a chalk board. Same goes for The Grateful Dead. Maybe I wasn't doing the right drugs or something.

Who else has the courage to admit to disliking music that vast portions of the population seems to go gag-ga over?

Rule number 1, Don't get personal or call other posters names because they just dissed your favorite artist.

Rule number 2, keep it civil.

Rule number 3 - HAVE FUN!
FREE JOHN COLTRANE! to those in need, only, please.

really. if you dont get coltrane (or some part of his career) and you're interested email me privately and let me know what you don't like or understand and i'll pick out a song or two that i think might be enlightening w/ your specific issue in mind, burn it to a cd and send it out for free. my pleasure. (but do give me some insight about why you dont like him so i can make a good choice for you)

for those who have an issue with copyright infringement...i'm not copying an entire recording and those who receive the cd can toss it out after listening - if they've changed their mind about coltrane they can, and will, no doubt go buy some on their own. if they still don't like him, no harm done in the copying and it will wind up in the trash anyway.
kinsekd wrote: "I've never been able to listen to Bob Dylan without getting a headache...Same goes for The Grateful Dead. Maybe I wasn't doing the right drugs or something."

Are there WRONG kinds of drugs to take while listening to The Grateful Dead?

I guess my post mentioning the Dead was deleted because of a naughty word i used to describe Celine Dion so i'll say it again: i never liked the Dead until i saw a concert, then i 'got it.' but the music you hear on their cds and lps (unless live) doesn't have anything to do with their live stuff which is what everyone is referring to when they say they are Dead fans. i dont understand the short studio cuts either... i wish someone could explain this to me. the dead sings about being on the run from the law, having kids around the country from women they knocked up, being in jail... this doesn't go with the vibe i got at the concert at all.
Jax2-you are right to call me on that Movie thread but that was also born out of frustration out of what I saw as a completely pointless thread (most overrated album if I remember right).
What I thought I did was take a very humourous stance on movies I hated..I meant it but I thought I added something different..I guess part of my problem on this thread is seeing so many artists I admire being slated...
That's not a problem in itself but I think it would be pointless to write why I think that artist is great to a person who has clearly such fundamental problems stretching themselves to "understanding" that music.
Music is my passion,we can't like everything for sure but to not "get anything" strikes at my core,I need to at least try to understand music and I'm actually arrogant enough to state there's nothing I didn't get or realise on some level is giving someone something......I might not like it the way I don't particularly like strawberries.

Ben- It is our differences, as well as our similarities, that makes life so rich and keeps things interesting. If we all liked the same things life would be pretty boring I think. In spite of your thinking this was a "dumb" thread (I get cranky too and have had similar knee-jerk reactions to things when I am, especially when it strikes at something at my core as you so eloquently have confessed), you have made some interesting contributions yourself and I would guess you may have gotten some 'value' from the insight necessary to write what you have. I guess I'm simply suggesting that is not a "dumb" thread at all. Perhaps if you apply the way you approach music (per your last paragraph) to how you view others points-of-view (simply try to understand them, recognize they may be different than yours, and also realize that you may also have much common ground as we all do) you may open yourself up to a whole new world of possibilities, as you do with the music! You don't need to change people at all, nor defend yourself or anyone else ...appreciate them for who they are, just as you are able to be so open to such a diverse selection of music.

Thank you for your candid thoughts...and I am not at all being sarcastic. I appreciate that they make me think about this stuff too.

I'm surprised bombastic, pretentious, and constantly straining to be hip Bruce Springsteen hasn't gotten more votes. I get a head and throatache just hearing/seeing him. Does anyone else think it's funny people like Springsteen (and many others) who have been powerfully rich, pampered, and insulated for decades still write tunes about the "common man"? Where do they get inspiration, from one of the lackeys who makes sure they never have to see a red M&M?