Opera for sure. I really cannot see what there is to listening to something I need a program to tell me what is being said. I can appreciate the range which some of the singers can hit, but I cannot see anything on it besides that. Most C&W I do not like either and the syuff that is out today is R&R Country. I could appreciate Hank Williams that was Country to me.
FOr Rock I have not come to understand much of Radiohead ,but I have just started to listen to it.The Dead I really do not see much in,but there are a few songs I can appreciate. Never got into the whole Dead scene though ,guess it just went right over my head without stopping to say hey Dude!
Dave Matthews has a few good tunes like "don't drink the water", but the rest go nowhere to me.
The ENYA thing is really stupid to me! Sounds like Mumbles and a woman having an orgasm on drugs! Maybe 1 song I can tolerate. The Cranberries remind me of Enya , but at least they have a voice with words. Kinda having an Orgasm with words.
Some of this stuff I will still try to listen to the stuff with the exception of Opera.
I could make a whole list, but I will stop banging the drum!
FOr Rock I have not come to understand much of Radiohead ,but I have just started to listen to it.The Dead I really do not see much in,but there are a few songs I can appreciate. Never got into the whole Dead scene though ,guess it just went right over my head without stopping to say hey Dude!
Dave Matthews has a few good tunes like "don't drink the water", but the rest go nowhere to me.
The ENYA thing is really stupid to me! Sounds like Mumbles and a woman having an orgasm on drugs! Maybe 1 song I can tolerate. The Cranberries remind me of Enya , but at least they have a voice with words. Kinda having an Orgasm with words.
Some of this stuff I will still try to listen to the stuff with the exception of Opera.
I could make a whole list, but I will stop banging the drum!