Your favorite Jazz album - w/in last 5 years

What is your favorite Jazz album (CD) that has come out in the last 5 years and why?
Pretty much anything by Brad Mehldau. I will go out on a limb and say that he is probably the most talented musician playing in the field today. It's like impossible for the guy to play an unmelodic note.

James Carter - 'Chasin' the Gypsy'

Carter is my favorite youngish jazz musician. He has incredible chops and his albums are all quite different and wonderful. I like all of them, but especially this tribute to Django Reinhardt. It is beautiful and amazing, both musically and sonically.
Wynton Marsalis Septet - Live at the Village Vanguard

I predict this will stand the test of time. It is a definitive performance of the neo-traditional voice of Jazz at the turn of the century.
Night and the City, Kenny Barron and the Charlie Haden Quartet West. Stunning live recording from 1998.