I hear ya "Z". Most of my stuff is "less than desirable" from either a public or audiophile point of view.
Quite honestly, i like Elvis Costello. Too bad most all of his recordings sound "boxed in", compressed, have muddy, ill-defined bass and the upper mids are truncuated or "recessed". Then again, i guess that is the sound that he likes since he has produced / co-produced many of his own albums.
I also like Annie Lennox. While some of her stuff sounds pretty decent, the use of highly artificial sounding synthesized bass in more than ample quantities tends to lessen the experience for me. This may be more apparent to some more-so than others depending on the low bass capabilities of ones' speakers.
A disc that REALLY "bottomed out" in terms of being absolutely hated by both fans and critics, but one that i love, is Drugs N Poseurs ( oops, Guns N Roses ) "The Spaghetti Incident". Then again, i like the original versions of these songs and having GnR add their "personal touch" by paying homage only makes them "good but different". For the record, i saw Axl ( can't really call them GnR since nobody in the band is left ) a few months back and i'm glad i did. It truly was a good show. Having seen them in the past, i was prepared for the worst, but was surprised to say the least.
Having said that, has anyone noticed any "really bad" producers i.e. someone that consistently knows how to butcher the sound of multiple bands / recordings ? I bet that there are more than a few out there, but i've never really paid attention to that aspect of things. Sean