Best band of the 80's

My vote goes to a very underated band...those AUssie janglers the CHURCH...with key albums like Starfish,Heyday, and the masterpiece THE BLURRED CRUSADE...they made the most consistently compelling music of the 80s...these are must haves...and for audiophiles...they are sonically perfect in production quality...Jesus and MAry CHain would get my 2nd vote...
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I have a strange relationship with U2 I liked them a lot at the time but now I find a lot of it pretty tired sounding.
I forgot The Smiths who are massively important and more original than U2.
I would argue REM's 80's music has (in my mind anyway)aged better than U2 and overall they've been more consistant than U2 although both bands releases in recent years have been below par-U2's have been particularly lame imho.
Some of the other suggestions are er um ah well bordering from the pitiful to the obscure.
It's all about opinions but dear oh dear Audiophile lameness abounds...
hey be and phasecorrect what do you think was best loop . i liked 'glided' but not much for 'fade out' nor 'the world in your eyes' hmm did either of you like main robert h.'s post loop band. gosh loop mentioned on audion. *wow* :)

i'm going to vote for *band of susans* based on 'hope against hope' and of course especially 'love agenda'

guitars were rather good (well a few bands)in the late 80's/early 90's.unlike now with guitars being 300%crap and evryone raving....

sorry i wasn't much for jesus mary chain(too much of a riffy sound/sort of trad sounding.) but i loved the black go figure. :) now how about that for alternative pop. no in quotes needed. :)
I can't believe nobody's mentioned Sonic Youth or R.E.M. or the Smiths! And let's not forget the Pixies. Surfer Rosa and Dolittle were two of the top ten albums of the decade.