Jazz recommendations for a beginner?

Hello, I purchased my first 3 jazz cds just to experiment: Cafe Blue (Pat Barber), Love Scenes (D. Krall) and Kind of Blue (M. Davis). Now I want to officially start listening more jazz. I really liked tracks 2,3,4,9,10 and 11 on Barber's cd, almost every song on Krall's, but honestly 'Kind of Blue' was not too much of my taste. So based on this brief comments, has anybody some good recommendations for a beginner? I'd appreciate your suggestions. Thanks.
Jorge R.
I'm kinda in the same camp with Ben. If you didn't like "Kind of Blue", then your are more aligned with "Singers/Songwriters". I would suggest you try Eva Cassidy, "Live at Blues Alley", Michael Franks, "Art of Tea and/or Sleeping Gypsies". Jazz has a lot of styles. Find out where you fit and jump in !!
For a taste of traditional Jazz, log on to fantasyjazz.com. Under "Various Artist", Fantasy Jazz remastered 12 samplers from their sub labels....orginal jazz clssics, riverside, prestige, swingville, debut, bluesville, contemporary, Pablo, fantasy, galaxy, specialty, jazztime.

I collected all 12 at S.F. Ameoba Records used $7.95 ea. Great way to get a Taste of Jazz!
If you don't like "Kind of Blue" it doesn't mean much IMHO (although I love it). I agree with Newbee. There are lots of things that are kind of acquired tastes and good music is often one. Keep it and listen to it a year from now. There is a lot going on in a minimalist kind of way.

Find a good local university jazz station and listen.

You will like some "traditional jazz" even if you do not like "Kind of Blue." There are so many styles. I'm not one for copilations but scroll down the page and listen to the first disk of this sampler from Blue Note: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00000JB1W/ref=m_art_li_5/002-5144679-4032812?v=glance&s=music

Truth is you proabbly can't get two people on this thread to agree what jazz is. I like Cassidy too butI don't consider her jazz at all.

For a modern album try Charles Lloyd "The Water is Wide"

If you like Krall's trio albums/piano jazz (her first is my favorite)try Bill Charlap. No vocals but a tight melodic piano trio.

All of the above have some melody to them.

As said above, make use of Scott Campbell's lists in various threads here (do a search because there quite a few of them). Don't write stuff off. Go back to it in a year or two.

Good luck,
I remain,
I would also suggest listening to "Kind of Blue" a few more times. You may find that, as you get used to the songs, it will grow on you. It's a superb album.

Early jazz: Louis Armstrong,Hot Five/Hot Seven recordings.(The recordings suck,but that's ok;the music does not.)
Swing:Duke Ellington,Live at Newport.
Bop:Charles Parker,Ornithology
Cool:Miles Davis/Gil Evans,Birth of the Cool
Modern:Bill Evans,Sunday Afternoon at the Vanguard.
John Coltrane,My Favorite Things
Giant Steps
These should give you an idea of what kinds of jazz will appeal to you.
Mark C. Gridley's jazz history text is excellent.In it he includes a list of his recommended recordings.
Happy listening