Listening to ALL your music

I found that I seem to be listening to only a few CD's in my collection very often. While it is nice to have "reference" recordings, I found that I am concentrating on sound, not music. So, to counter this, I have decided to listen to all my CD's . I will not aquire any new CD's or make any changes to my system until I have listened to every note on every CD I have.

They are arranged alphabetically, and I seem to be able to do 2 or 3 a night. I have close to 700 CD's, so this should take a while.

Has anyone else done this?
Just through Beethoven now, having a blast, just like being in school again. ( I minored in music lit.)
Forget it. At best, only one in three of my CDs were bought for more that two cuts. The rest get the ole in an out. And I have not played 60% in the last three years.