Favorite Movie Soundtrack

For me it was
Requiem for a Dream.

Chronos Quartet, very haunting, very gripping, fit the movie like a glove.

ANybody else?
Philojet - no, bad seguae on my part. Just responding to Richingoth's post as an aside. I wonder what she's doing these days. Last film on IMBD that she did was in 1990.


I see I totally misread your post, I must have been sleepy.
It is interesting that you photographed her. You just never know who is going to catch on in Hollywood, I imagine she was too far offbeat for most :)

I'm really enjoying the works of Cliff Martinez especially the soundtrack for the mediocre Solaris.
Its interesting the reaction to Solaris. Voted one of the worst movies of the year . It was on my top 5.