Favourite Guitar CDs

Can you pls advise ?
There isn't a doubt that "Tin Pan Alley" is one of the finest, if not the finest guitar pieces around! And I have turned it up way too loud, too many times...what was that you said***
The WOW Factor on Tin Pan Alley ,
The WOW is Listen to "" Keith don't go "" Nils Lofgren
WOW : It just doesn't get any better than this guys
Artist Jeff Pearce
Album Title Bleed
Date of Release 2002
Genre Electronica

Jeff Pearce is one of the top two electronic guitarists of all time. Years ago, saying that would have been blasphemy. To compare anyone to Robert Fripp, the acknowledged master and progenitor of the style, was unthinkable, let alone conscionable. Yet, in many ways Pearce has surpassed Fripp. Bleed encompasses and acknowledges those ways. Pearce wrote the music for this album after reading his diary from his teenage years. He has made no secret of the fact that these were troubled years for him. Thus, the compositions are dripping with all the angst and pain of inner-child demons. Pearce has put his heart and soul right on the front lines. Deep listeners will feel the confusion, loneliness, and isolation of adolescence along with the pain and fear of rejection and abandonment. Pearce has stated many times that he creates his atmospheres with only a guitar and a processor. He fibs, too. This masterpiece features all of his emotional courage and spiritual strength — that is one of the ways in which he has surpassed Fripp. Pearce's compositional skills have also surpassed Fripp's. Pearce's willingness to let his audience into his heart and soul separates him from the rest of the crowd. In perhaps the strongest indicator of greatness, there are no discs even closely comparable to this masterwork. It rates a seven only because it has not had the test of time to be a nine. It is, quite simply, in a league of its own. — Jim Brenholts

2002 CD Hypnos 2241

Thank You-AMG (for these words)
How about some jazz? "Solid" and "Idle Moments" by Grant Green
are both killer! Is it just me or is GG possibly the most
uderrated jazz guitarist ever?

Totally agree with the SRV "Tin Pan Alley" but also really
like his "Scuttlebuttin" too!

Jeez, gotta agree with the Jerry Douglas recommendation as
well - you can hear him playing on Jorma Kaukonen's (another
good recommendation) recent release "Blue County Heart" which
is absolutely stunning.
Let me add a classical one. Andres Segovia's recordings of the Bach Lute Suites are outstanding. I've seen guitar players who don't really like classical music sit there with their mouths open listening to Segovia's chops.