Any live music plans for New Years Eve ?

I found out about a concert that i was interested in seeing here in Chicago on New Year's Eve. This show will be held at the Aragon Ballroom aka the "Aragon Brawl Room" and has Flaming Lips opening for the White Stripes. Tickets did not go on sale until Saturday, so on Friday i called up my girlfriend to discuss this. She in turn connected me with one of her girlfriends that works for Ticketmaster / Jam productions via a three way call. Talk about timing.

Just as we called, one of the local "big wigs" from Jam Productions walked in the door at Ticketmaster headquarters. She asked him about obtaining tickets for this show and was told that the "pre-sale tickets for this event were sold out in less than ONE minute. Tickets for this show will probably be like gold" !!! The guy then proceeded to tell our friend that he'd make a call and see what he could do for us. He made a call while we sat on hold. Within a minute or two, we were told that we had tickets set aside for us !!! Woo-Hoo !!! Needless to say, this made my day.

Rather than sitting at home like a bump on a log like we usually do for New Years Eve, i'm going to see what should be a great and memorable show. I'm hoping that this will be the start of a new year for me in terms of both seeing / enjoying more live music and spending time with my girlfriend. Anybody else have plans to bring in the New Year with "live tunes" ? Sean
I'll probably be drunk and singing louder than my system......I am Scottish after all.
Hey Sean...forget all about being an audiophile that night. The sound at the Aragon is godawful. It is a great old ballroom though, so all is not lost. My friends saw the White Stripes there a few months ago and enjoyed the show quite a bit. I've seen the Flaming Lips several times and they're always entertaining. As a matter of fact, I saw them on New Year's Eve at the Metro a few years ago.
New Year's? Hell, I haven't even lived through Thanksgiving with my family yet...
Whatever concert it was that I chose to go to in whatever city it was, I would make sure that the concert is Y2004 compliant.