keeping collection organized?????

i was wondering if any of you uses some kind of computer program where you can have complete access to all the information of your collection.
Oh, if only I had that much time. I do good to keep mine in alphabetic order by artist.
No, though a palm pilot with the list would be good -- I have purchased a cd to bring it home and find that I already own it! You can bet my spouse noticed that one. My memory isn't quite as fine as it once was, or at least as I remember it ;-)

Currently, I organize by artist and category: Alpha by composer for classical, alpha by artist for blues, alpha by artist for jazz and alpha by artist for all other music forms.
I made up my own in Microsoft Access and it works fairly well. I know there are commercial software programs for doing the same and they probably are more versatile than mine, but the main reason I did it is to prevent buying CD's I already have!
Microsoft Excel works fine for me; I made a workbook with one sheet being LP's, one for CD's, and one "other". Costs nothing and keeps me reasonably organized. Jeff