Ageless Music?

Music of the great composers like Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel have survived centuries. The greatness of their compositions cannot be denied by anyone. Some have been attributed to having healing powers as well.

I was just wondering what you Agoners think about great music of today or just yesterday from likes of Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Lennon/McCartney, Pink Floyd and many other greats will survive a couple of centuries or beyond?

What really makes certain music to be termed as ageless?
No music is ageless! Your reference to the classical greats presupposes that they will be as popular in 200 years as now.....but, in fact, interest in classical music in general is waning already. Music is a reflection of the society in which it exists - just as any art form. Sooner or later it passes on to become nothing more than an interesting (or not) historical footnote.

I think the only thing that will always be present in music is rhythm, the BEAT!
Yup, whether a piece of music "lives" on or not depends totally on who is around in the future to appreciate it. Any proclamations about a recordings cultural viability (or lack of it) is pretty speculative, but we all have our favorites. Miles Davis, Can, Captain Beefheart, Monk, Hendrix, Stravinsky, Mingus and Ellington all expanded things quite a bit. Can't see their ideas or recordings a evaporating anytime soon.
Yes,Pink Floyd is dated.
Just when we will arive at that date is anyone's quess.

Shine on
Not much I can add to Tubegroover's excellent post. Gershwin, Rodgers, Berlin, Porter, that's what I'm talking about! Beatles, yes, as far as universal appeal (the tunes, give me the tunes!) if not ultimate quality. I would add Stevie Wonder; song writing genius.
In our current cultural climate, music is primarily considered a commodity for financial gain, and secondly as
a living, valid artform. In the 20th century, radio was the
main medium which delivered live and recorded music to the masses. Repeated listenings ingrained the catchiest tunes
in the minds of millions of listeners. This continued for
several generations through Rock's Golden Era until the advent of visual/audio entertainmentin the early '80s, when MTV started the trend which put visuals first, audio second. The top-selling acts of the last 20 years or so (Madonna, B.Spears, Cher, et al) have been designed mainly to promote the visual qualities of their acts. Music
has become mostly disposable, which does not bode well for the music of the past either, because the inherent cynicysm in today's market dictates that new products must be constantly produced and sold. Our youth-oriented society has no financial motivation to expose our children to musical masterpieces of the past, be they classical, folk, country, Jazz, Rock or otherwise. Traditional radio is dead. The music industry grooms our tots from an early age to respond to the latest musical trends. Art and music are always the first programs to be cut in school. Stores and malls do not play quality music either. I see no reason why they don't. It would certainly enhance the atmosphere, although I'm sure it has been determined that quality music might deter shoppers from spending money. In conclusion I'd have to say my outlook is bleak; while there will always
be afficionados like us on Audiogon, the majority of great
music will fade into oblivion within the next 100 years.
What chance would Ella Fitzgerald have today?