Recommendation - Complete Beethoven Sonatas

Read the mixed review of ARTUR SCHNABEL. Any more?
For the entire set on CD's I think I'd go for Brendel or Goode. Both have an excellent grasp of these sonatas, and both received excellent reviews. My prime choice woould be Goode.
I would also lean towards Goode over Brendel just between the two. Is it possible to say that Brendel's playing is many times "too perfect" ?

You might also be able to piece together a set separately by Murray Perahia.

For other "historic" recordings you can probably piece together an almost complete set by Solomon or Richter.
Another nod for Goode. Although in ultimate terms I prefer Schnabel and Kempf, the fidelity is pretty low on those (1930's and mid-50s respectively) I admire Brendel a great deal, but his set(s) are pretty rigorous and intellectual-- not perhaps the only one(s) to have if you're having only one. Goode is excelllent all around, and is recorded wonderfully. You could live happily ever after.