Norah's new album,,FEB 9th. Can she do it again???

Anyone think Norah Jones is capable of dulpicating the success of her first album with her new album "Feels like home"? I heard that she has a song with Willie Nelson and another with Dolly Parton. I hope Norah doesn't go all country on us this time around. Oh well, we'll see.
I concur with Zaikesman here. However, I do believe she is very talented and can only get better with age. After all: she is very young and her voice will surely mature.
did she write any of her original songs?
a singer is only as good as the songs they sing...
so unless she, or the record company has spent the time/money to find quality stuff, vs just running with the new hot name "norah jones"...
She co-writes on the occassional number but it's one of her band that writes the majority of the original stuff.
I don't think it matters Geoff the next record will sell off the back of the original anyway.

On a side note I bought the last Outkast CD this week-really quite impressive and musical-Norah Jones guests on this album on a more acoustic track.
Outkast are in the Rap/Rn'B field but this double CD has impressed me,not unlike the type of eclectic mix Prince did on Sign O'The Times.
Ecclectic, get better with age? Some do and some don't. I really loved the young Barbra Streisand, the freshness and power of her voice. Did she improve? I don't think so, just bigger production values in her recordings. I find much of her later stuff extremely boring. I agree with Zakes and you that the first album is not too great. I wanted to like it and tried but after struggling through the 3rd listening I gave up. Her voice is pleasant, it just doesn't hold my interest. I can think of numerous artists with great early albums that never held their promise with Whitney Houston at the very top.