Norah Jones on Bluenote??

Is nothing sacred?.......What's next......Courtney Love at Carnegie Hall?......Pavarotti Sings The Monkees Songbook?.....
Miles Davis hated having his music called jazz. He didn't like the fact that by labeling his music it gave people preconceived notions about what the music should be like. As far as I'm concerned jazz is not a static music form and it is still capable of evolving. Whether or not you consider Norah Jones a positive or negative evolutionary step is irrelevant, what's important is that she has brought attention and fans to jazz music. Unlike classical music, jazz doesn't yet belong behind a glass pane in a museum.
Has anyone here even heard the album? Thought not. Lets hold off judgment until its released. Not sure I want to use Newsweek as my primary source of pop/jazz/whatever criticism. I, for one, really enjoyed seeing her perform and am looking forward to hearing and deciding for myself. On a similar note, curious about anyone's reaction to new Alicia Keys. Very different from the first release. NO way can you say she did a Sarah Maclachlan and went back to the well one to many times, IMO.
Be thankful Blue Note can generate revenue from Ms.
Jones and for her loyality to Blue Note. The revenue will allow Blue Note to cotinue to record great musicians that aren't as commercially viable as Norah Jones.
It's realy not about styles or so,
She simply can't sing!
Brittney could do the same on Grammy if not better.
So why having some delitant knowlege of jazz or any kind of vocal performance to be placed on Grammy award just because of singing or more presicely to say trying to sing a jazz?
Marakanetz-clearly she can sing and you as a Can fan should know that fitting someone into a specific box has no merit.
You really believe if you took a straw poll that Helmut from Can would be considered a better singer?
If you don't like her move along,everybody has different value systems.
Grammy Awards?
Who cares?