Norah Jones on Bluenote??

Is nothing sacred?.......What's next......Courtney Love at Carnegie Hall?......Pavarotti Sings The Monkees Songbook?.....
Be thankful Blue Note can generate revenue from Ms.
Jones and for her loyality to Blue Note. The revenue will allow Blue Note to cotinue to record great musicians that aren't as commercially viable as Norah Jones.
It's realy not about styles or so,
She simply can't sing!
Brittney could do the same on Grammy if not better.
So why having some delitant knowlege of jazz or any kind of vocal performance to be placed on Grammy award just because of singing or more presicely to say trying to sing a jazz?
Marakanetz-clearly she can sing and you as a Can fan should know that fitting someone into a specific box has no merit.
You really believe if you took a straw poll that Helmut from Can would be considered a better singer?
If you don't like her move along,everybody has different value systems.
Grammy Awards?
Who cares?
To me any vocal of any style is the one who has a controll over the music or to say more precisely over the song. It's a person that has maximum "synergy" over lyrics voice and music.
Norah has only grade 4 out of 10 in all of my criterias.

Figure Irmin Schmidt, Karoli, Suzuki and certainly Malcolm Mooney.
Figure also terrible one such as John Wetton(King Crimson).

All of these terrible vocals unites one thing: none can sing better a specific songs than they can. Who can sing better "In the Distance Lies the Future" than Malcolm Mooney? Chris De Bourgh? Pete Gabriel? Phill Collins?...

Can you spell any song that only Norah would sing its best??
Listening any song she sings, I just picture someone else on her place such as Krall, Willson or Schuur instead as much better match.
Hmmmm, I really don't see the link between cheap labour and Norah Jones on Blue Note. What I do see and hear is a young musician/singer who is at the beginning of what could be a long, diverse and successful career. Her abilities are still evolving and, hopefully, improving, and it will likely be many years before she reaches her peak as a vocalist or pianist.

Onhwy61 is SO RIGHT about jazz not being static, it is a continually evolving, shape-shifting genre with many idioms. We could argue until we're blue in the face about whether Norah's music really is jazz, but at the very least it incorporates a jazz influence, among others.

Dilettante is defined as - 1 : an admirer or lover of the arts 2 : a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge. Now call me crazy, but that does not seem to fit here. Norah is quite clearly a musician, and insofar as music is an art form, I would have to say she is also an artist. The fact that one does not like her voice or music does not a dilettante make her. As to a song that only she can sing: Come Away With Me.

Disclaimer - my brother the jazz musician (double-bass) has had occasion to converse with Ms. Jones and finds her to not only be very down-to-earth, but also knowledgeable about things musical, in addition to being quite proficient on the piano.