I dont get it...

How come alot of classical songs have titles that look like computer code?

Jerkofski's 32nd symphony Number 9, motion 2, part 3, opt 64 & 65 in E minor.

Sounds alot more like coordinates than a song title.

What is the deal with all these numbers in a classical song? I'm not very wise to the world of classical, but this is something that is just beyond me. It almost seems as if every classical song is part of the same song with some dewey decimal system knockoff to categorize and seperate it.

Any insight on what all this reffers to?

not trying to offend anyone, just wondering what the deal is.
Mozart did not write the EMPEROR Concerto; it is Beethoven's 5th piano concerto.
My mistake. I meant to say the "Coronation" piano concerto. Thanks for pointing it out.