SACD hybrids bad policy from Sony/Columbia?

Just read today that the whole collection of Bob Dylan remasters that were done last year on SACD hybrid are due to be released on CD soon at a much lower price.

To me this defeat the Trojan Horse policy of sneeking SACD's into households where there is no SACD player and maybe encouraging a SACD player purchase at a later date based on the knowledge that the buyer already has SACD's in his collection.

Furthermore when future SACD hybrids come on sale perhaps buyers may now hang off to see if what happened with the Dylan releases is repeated.
Indeed those who wanted the set and are a few short and have no SACD player will be able to but 3 CD remasters for the price of 2 Hybrids.

In terms of marketing SACD I think this a major mistake.
>>This policy is damaging to the pro-SACD<<

Mmm hmmm....and then what? The sky will fall? Forcasts are just opinions.
They are worth the ether upon which they are written. Sounds like a whole lot of conjecture to me. If W, X, and Y happen, then it MIGHT MAYBE POSSIBLY
cause C and that MIGHT POSSIBLY MAYBE....

In the meantime, more and more SACD's are being released, SACD has entered the mobile audio market, more and more universal and SACD
players are entering the market and my collectiom continues to grow,
and the number of hours spent in front of my SACD player grows and
grows and grows....

Richard --

I am collecting the Mahler series by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas. I have the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th.
They are a prized part of my collection. Is that the Mahler series to which
you are referring? Any other classical SACD's you can recommend would
be appreciated. I've been focused mostly on Jazz, but I would like to
build my classical library as well. I have the Bach Golberg Variations
performed by Murray Pehria, which is also wonderful, and a few others.

Rsbeck writes:
SACD has entered the mobile audio market
I missed that. Do you have a reference?

Ben is correct, many of you are missing the point. Rsbeck, your response was bizarre.
The other point is that while SACD naysayers keep predicting the sky will fall, more and more SACD and Universal players are entering the market, more and more SACD's are being released, etc. Now, instead of CONJECTURING,
GUESSING, and attempting to PROGNOSTICATE, *I* am sharing *MY* experience, which is the guideline here at Audiogon. So, *my* experience as a SACD enthusiast is that this alleged decision to re-release the Dylan remasters in a CD-only version is not affecting me and I don't expect it to
affect me. So, complaining that I am "missing the point" about the harm that
is being done to SACD when no harm is perceived, no harm has been
reported, etc --- only forcasted based on some guesswork and conjecture seems a little misguided, IMO.

But -- hey -- that's just me.