who is this hilariously funny orchestra?

Today i accidently heard part of a tune and all day tried to find who plays it.
Let me describe it. It was an orchestra playing a very well-known classical piece all out-of-tune just for the fun of it. It was hiloriously funny listening all those brass instruments playing very seriosly with wrong tones. Of course these guys are doing this for the fun of it so what i am trying to find is not a piece that is done poorly but a piece that some real proffesional musicians playing wrong just for the fun of it. I really need to know who these guys are to find more about their performances.

thank you.
I just recently heard something similar to what you describe from the Portsmouth Sinfonia (Swklein is responsible for the spelling, so I take no credit for it, or responsibility if it is wrong either!). I heard it on Greg Kihn's radio show on KFOX. (Yes, that Greg Kihn.)

Amazingly this was a Brian Eno led symphony. It was amazingly bad. So bad it was funny, good. I believe it came out in 1973 or so.
I thought of The Portsmouth Sinfonia as well. I had their first LP from the 70's and currently have a CD compilation of British comedy which contains several of their more memorable performances including the opening to Zarathustra and an orchestral rendition of the overture to "Tommy."
There is an old shaded dog called "Bob And Ray Throw A Stereo Spectacular" (available on CD) Which has some of this stuff on it. Very high quality recording and a lot of fun. I think it was on HP's list back in the day.
At first I though of Spike Jones, but those guys were actually good. :-)

Kurt, how can you listen to that imbecile Greg Kihn? ;-) His whorish pimping of any and every product du jour is even sappier than his lousy music. Oy...