Your favorite but unknown

I know there are probably a good sized music collection that is shared by a lot of us here, but there must be some favorites that some of us have that no one else knows exists. Thus the question:

What is the one unknown LP, CD, 8-track in your collection that is indispensible, but that no one else knows about?

My favorite unknown (by most people anyway) would be Steve Taylor's LP "I Predict, 1990."

It is so good, but I doubt that more than a handfull (and I have big hands) of us on AudiogoN have ever heard of it. It contains lots of tongue-in-cheek humor, insightful lyrics, pot-shots at some well known and maybe respected institutions, all wrapped up in a good recording.

Now what are yours?
Saw some live music yesterday afternoon headlined by Los Lobos. But--- Two other acts brought the place down: Eilene Ivers and Immigrant Soul and the subDudes.
Immigrant Soul is an Celtic/Afro-pop/Cuban band with pipes, guitar, bass, percussion and Eilene Ivers on the fiddle. She is amazing! People were dancin' their faces off. What can I say about the subDudes? Been around for years, always just under the radar but great.

Catch Immigrant Soul if they come through your town. We were at a natural grass amphitheatre, surrounded by woods on the shore of a nice lake for swimming. Beautiful summer day amazing music, small appreciative crowd. What a day with my wife and kids! Perfect fathers day 1 day early.

PS: It was the Bridgeton Folk Festival
Two incredible bands, each from a different time, that seem to be relatively well known in Europe but just never caught on in the US...

Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction: Tattooed Beat Messiah (1988)

Freak Kitchen: Move (2002)

Freedy Johnston, "Can You Fly"

Just a criminally overlooked record from the early 90s. The songwriting is just unbelievable.

No joke. Freedy Johnston is a brilliant songrwriter.
You might as well blow your own horn as well. The Silos self-titled album is as potent today as ever.
I listen to a couple of CDs from Claude Bolling and Jean-Pierre Rampal named "Picnic Suite" and "Suite for Flute & Jazz Piano Trio No. 2". These are two terrific CDs full of flute and piano, just super melodies. Just go to Amazon and search for these and play the first track from each... you'll see what I mean. Anyone else own these, or know of these musicians?