Your First Concert was.....

My first concert was Arlo Guthrie at the Shaffer (sic) Music Festival in Central Park, NYC. It cost 2 bucks and it was for his "Running Down the Road" album.
The Iguanas, a local band from Ann Arbor, Mi. This was at a sock hop at Ann Arbor Pioneer HS, probably circa 1965. I was all of 12 years of age, helping lug around equipment for the band as my sister's boyfriend was the bass player. The lead singer was one James Osterburg Jr., later to become Iggy Pop!
Guy Lombardo, Dave Clark Five, Iron Butterfly, now that's what I'm talking about.
Warrenh, this post is for your first concert not your best concert. Let's try to stay focused.
Elephants Momory, Cactus, and The Bob Seger System, on the same night in that order at the Orlando Sports stadium in1970 or maybe 71.