Hey Cwlondon,
Gentle Giant was definitely on the brainfry poop menu. Really dug that Playing that Fool record. It's not the greatest recording and it looks like the One Way Label did its usual piss poor job of putting an analog recording on those shiny little digital discs.
Gotta' agree that some G.G. tunes seem a little pompous and embarrasing at times, but they came up w/ some pretty intricate and high quality stuff. What really did it for me was being at a concert where they opened for Yes (who were great). Gentle Giant clobbered them in the chops department, no mean feat since the Relayer tour was a real high point for Yes.
Sorry about the opinionated tangent... umm, High Tide (Simon House), Embryo and early Michael Urbaniak also put out some good burnin' violin rock in the early 70's