What is your favorite Greg Brown CD?

Looking for CD suggestions on this artist.
A big help we've been! If this thread keeps going, we'll have named all of his records!
Lately I have really enjoyed Brown's "Honey in the Lion's Head. This is a collection of mostly traditional songs like "On top of old smokey", "Railroad Bill", "I will never Marry". As usual, Brown's interpretations and arrangements are great.
I can absolutely never get enough of "Further In". My favorite track of his, though, is "Banjo Moon" from a live CD whose name escapes me.
I like "Poet Game" and "Slant Six Mind" a lot. If you can, obtain and listen to the original release of "Poet Game" on vinyl. It is so much better than the CD release. Unfortunately, it is a pretty hard item to find now.
Further In has some of the most intricate acoustic guitar work on record and represents incredibly lyrical song-writing. Slant 6 and Poet Game are also great works. Brown's whole catalog however, showcases an overwhelmingly consistent artist that always seems in top form. In the folk genre, I'm not sure there's anyone better, and he is certainly underexposed so its nice to see some recognition on the net.