Native American Music

My significant other's father just bought a wooden "flute" which looks just like one of those recorders they used to make us play in grade school. Anyway, he's just nuts about this thing and keeps calling it his "Indian flute." He's interested in finding some Native American music that incorporates woodwind instrumnets. Do you have any leads? Thanks.
I should mention that Coyote Oldman does some more traditional stuff but then also does some "space music" styled flute playing with electronic effects. I really enjoy all of it. Nakai is more traditional.
Nakai produced two albums with Paul Horn, "Inside Monument Valley" and "Inside Canyon de Chelly" which are excellent. Agree with Goinbroke about "Songs of Rainbow World" and also recommend "Inner Voices" by Nakai. I believe all are released thru Canyon Records.
My "dear old Mom" picked up a CD at an arts-n-crafts fair for me.
Pretty good flute, chanting and drumming.
Artist is Navajo-Apache.

Perry Silverbird/The Blessing Way
Celestial Harmonies
Tuscon, AZ

Also, liked the Navajo flute in "Wind Talkers" movie.
If you want to hear how a tradional flute sounds pick up Canyon Trilogoies from Carlos Nakai. Awesome! Truly hauntong sounds and melodies, even an eagle bone whistle on one of the tracks.