How do you fix an ''out of print'' scratched CD ?

I don't know how it could of happened but one of my favorite CD's is skipping and from the looks of it has a scratch on it !!!! No, it's not the equipment...but is there any after market stuff that could fix this ????? This is out of print and I really like this disc.....''The Best of the Band'' .....on Capital.
Check out the link below for a company that makes several plastic polishes and a cleaner.

I used this product to remove some scratches on my car's lexan headlight covers. It works great and I'll bet it will do the job on a CD.
I have repaired hundreds of scratched CDs by polishing with toothpaste back and forth from center to edge. It looks like hell when you're done, but only about one in a hundred fail to give me a perfect read with EAC.
There's a guy here in Central NJ who does a great job for $5 per disc. Call 411 for Screams From The Gutter in Manville, NJ.
Don't bother fixing the current CD, buy another one. Check the link provided, there's a copy on for $2.42

You're welcome...

Rcprince has the right idea. I have used turtle wax to fix some cds. put small amount on scratch, let it dry, then very gently wipe off with TP. I've also seen a couple of cd "fixing" machines used in cd stores, so if you claim your cd is scratched, they'll fix it before returning your money. one was a sort of buffer using buffing compound, the other machine encloses the cd and it uses water and wax compound. good luck.