van morrison's best sounding album?

a friend is a van idiot and insists i need to listen to more morrison. but when i ask her where to start she can't pick between any of his gazillion recordings. any ideas?
regarding the above post (if anyone is interested) the 'live in montreaux' was on Swingin Pig Records not Blind Pig records.
so far i've listened to "toO long in exile". love lonely avenue. what album is "caravan" on? that totally smokes on the last waltz dvd. it sure is funny to watch that lovable gnome kick up his stubby legs towards the end of that song. what's up his his outfit? thankfully his musical taste far exceeds his fashion sense.
'Caravan' is on Moondance. Coincidentally, I was going to suggest Moondance as perhaps the most accessible album for a Van newbie; I love too many of them to suggest one as the best sounding. Although, I do think the recent 'What's Wrong With This Picture' is up there amongst the best recorded, best's the one I take to audition new equipment...
First Them album. His heart's in the right place, but I can't tolerate his voice at all anymore.