Music for the spirit and the soul

I had the good fortune of running across Avro Part's Stabat Mater today for the first time, and I've listened to it at least four times today. Although I'm not religious in the traditional sense, this recording moved my soul, brought goose bumps to my body and quieted my mind. Does anyone have other suggestions of classical (or other) music for the feeding of the spirit and the soul?
Yes. The one that is sonically the best of the lot is David Zinman conducting the London Sinfonietta. Whether it is the best interpretation, I am not sure, but the sound is
Chipman - I'm green with envy that you Savall and Figueras in Paris.
That must have been an unforgettable experience. I heard Savall play
recently here in Seattle, and, though his wife was in attendance, she did
not perform. His daughter was playing with him though. She's an
accomplished harpist. Yes, the Alia Vox label is definitely one to covet
when it comes to Early Music. Not only is the programming wonderful,
but the recordings themselves are second to none! Savall's collections
of his solo efforts are stunning on that label. Also, the collection of
lullabys by Figeurras titled Nina Nana is quite beautiful. If you have not
seen it, rent the French film, "All the Mornings of the World"
(Tous les matins du monde 1991), in which Savall provides all the music.
It is a beautiful and somber portrayal of the relationship of the composer
Monsieur de Sainte Colombe, and his pupil (briefly) Marin Marais (played
brilliantly be Gerard Depardieu). Alia Vox has reissued that soundtrack
and it is also worthy of consideration. This is a departure though from
the 'spiritual' context of this thread as I wouldn't necessarily recommend
Savall's own music based upon the poster's query (though it certainly
may apply though some may find it somber). Regardless, this is among
my favorite music to listen to and I find them very powerful and moving

Thanks for the suggestions. I look forward to listening to some of the recording that were mentioned.

Yep, I fell in love with Montserrat....and yes I will never forget that experience in such an intimate environment. The whole family was three including their daughter Adrianna.
Sorry all - I checked my archives and realised I made an error in my first posting. This was back in 1999! Savall and Figueras were playing with their other group Hesperion XXI (peviously XX). They were playing mostly music from a disc they just released at the time "DIASPORA SEFARDI" - one vocal and one instrumental disc (This is another fantastic disc to own). If anyone of you have this disc, there is a photo of them, a small grouping of 9 or 10 musicians altogether - it was exactly like this on a small raised stage.
You guys have got me all going now and I've just gone back and listened to some more of Savall and Figueras' stuff this weekend till 3am ! Just finished listening to "LES VOIX HUMAINES" with just Savall playing the Viole de Gambe - Lyra and Bass, yet sound like human voices singing...