How about a new addition to every posting made?

I'd like to see a new addition or at least an option made to us on every post that we make. That is, one should be able to list the specific recording and performer that they are listening to at the time of submission. It would also be nice to have an area to submit whether the source was a CD, vinyl, satellite radio, FM broadcast, tape, computer based playback, etc...

All of this should be strictly optional and at the discretion of the poster. This would save those that didn't want to be bothered with such things the trouble of having to check certain boxes and / or those that are sitting in their office cubicles and not listening to music the trouble of having to check a box, etc... to post without including this info.

I think that this would be a "neat-o" addition to Agon's posts. Not only would it bring more of the attention back to the music, it might also give others a chance to get to see what we listen to and how we listen to it. This could lead to further discussions of specific recordings, performers, etc...

I've seen and used this over at AudioCircle and kind of liked it. What do you folks think? Sean
I love the idea and use it on AudioCircle. Occasionally I will contact a member based upon their listening preferences and I usually find out about music I need.

I would also like to be able to list the music in reverse chronological order when looking up a member.

Currently listening to Joe Sample: Soul Sessions
Very cool idea. I'd do it.

For starters, now listening to the Bodeans via tuner on 88.5 WXPN, IMHO the worlds' greatest radio station, available anywhere at ;-)
