Interestingly enough the new Q magazine in the UK has the most important band in the world today on the cover (their words not mine)Led Zeppelin.
Sure not all Rock greats endure and there is an element of fashionable acceptance involved-in the years between 78-85 Zep were universaly panned by the critics and in terms of influence of new bands they were non-starters.
Everybody mellows to an extent as they get older,some less than others and some music dates for you and some doesn't.
Sure not all Rock greats endure and there is an element of fashionable acceptance involved-in the years between 78-85 Zep were universaly panned by the critics and in terms of influence of new bands they were non-starters.
Everybody mellows to an extent as they get older,some less than others and some music dates for you and some doesn't.