What is the one CD you can't find?

Years ago I had listened to an audiophile test album with a white cover and little credits to go on the back side. I fell in love with it immediatly. The owner of the album was kind enough to make me a tape but would not part with it at any price. Later I discovered that members of the band Steps Ahead played on it, and even released one of the tunes on their cd. I have searched for years to find it on either cd or vynal yet have never come across it.This would be my greatest find. Just wondering how many others have a similar situation.And what is the one cd you just can't get?

Aki Onda did an album called "Precious Moments", but I cannot find an album of his titled "Broken Pieces".

"Precious Moments" by Aki Onda is available at GEMM for about $20.00

There is an album titled "Broken in Pieces," by Stutterfly but it is only three years old, so probably not what your looking for.

There is also an artist that goes by the name, Broken Pieces and the title of his album is "5P." It was released in 1997 (five tracks) and is Japanese. There is a copy available for $13.97.

Hope that helps you Slappy
If you want to talk about hard to find, how about "Wrecking Ball" with Daniel Lanois and Emmylou Harris on LP.

It does exist, I narrowly missed a copy in London last year.
RE Neil Young - On the Beach and Tonight's the night are available, in fact On the Beach was recently re-released to much critical acclaim! Not sure about Time Fades Away.