Anyone know anything about Eleanor McEvoy?

I picked up her latest LP at CES based on a review in HiFi+. What a great LP! I just got a CD called "Snapshot (Ithink it's a best of) from an E-bay auction. This is just as good, other than the fact the it's CD rather than LP. Does anyone familiar with her material have a suggestion of what I should get next???
When I was in Ireland on a golf trip in 1993, having dinner in a pub, they were playing some really great music. What is that, I asked. They showed me the disk and I picked it up at a record shop the next day. A Woman's Heart. Features Eleanor as well as Mary Black and several other gorgeous-voiced Irish women (do they all sing so well?). A highly, highly recommended CD if you can find it. (There's also A Woman's Heart II, which never captured my fancy.)
I have a few of her discs now. I got her fist CD which unfortunately I cannot recommend. I have "Snapshots" on CD and "Early Hours" on LP. Both of those would come with a recommendation, freinds have told me that "Yola" is good too, but I can't get my hands on a copy.

Audiophool approved? Hey even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

How do you pronouce, McEvoy?
I don't remember Eleanor McEvoy, but I clearly remember Eleanor Rigby.

For some reason cannot see her image in my mind. Maybe because she's wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door?

I always wondered who it was for.
I read somewhere that her latest album is even better than Yola, but, I have not heard it so dunno. I will get the disc eventually than will know for sure. Anyway Yola is a great album in its own right.
I got Yola yesterday (waiting for the Beatles reference Albert), I had to order the CD. I have had Early Hours since CES, whenever that was!?! Without much time to listen and compare, so far I like Early Hours more. It seems a little more mature, if I can use that superlative.

Quadophile, post your thoughts when you can compare the two.