Could somebody please explain

I know what the dictionary says that it means, but here's the problem....every so often - increasingly frequently because people are starting to know that I am into audio and even more into music - some aquaintance (ie., colleague, co-worker, friend of a friend, etc.) will hand me a CD and say something like: You have to listen to this disk, it's got heavy jazz/classical/latin/blues (pick one..or two) influences but it's hard to pin down just what it really is. It's very eclectic."

Invariably the disk is crap.

The disk is usually generously given to me by an individual who wouldn't know a pianissimo from a pinada, and I am left to wonder just what is meant by the "eclectic" designation. Here are some of the possible meanings under consideration:

1. I don't understand even a fragment of what is going on here musically, so this disk must be really good.

2. I paid good money for this thing and I hate it, so I'll try and pass it off on someone else and call it eclectic.

3. It sounds like world music, and world music is eclectic (the "peace, love, dope" approach).

4. It's eclectic and I like it, so if you don't, you're an idiot.

5. Since I listen to eclectic music you have to think that I am intelligent.

I often wonder what response I would recieive if I merely returned the disk and said" It's not eclectic, it's sh**. Stop worrying about it and go listen to some music you like."

Any thoughts?
I suggest Victoria Jackson: Ukelele Lady as the first title to try out Newbee's suggestion with. ;-)
Maybe it sounds different from genres they can easily identify, and seems to incorporate more than one of them, so they hang the "eclectic" label on it.

Maybe it's music they genuinely like.

Maybe you're an awful snob.
I agree with Dubin...on the labeling part, not the snob. I think it just gets grouped in a genre unknowingly. To me I have always felt that eclectic was another word for "new age" without any further implications, I guess to keep from association with some religious cult. I think the genre labeling today is gotten more confusing with radio stations playing C&W and claiming to be a "rock" station and so on.
But it sounds like you and your friend have different tastes in music and he compliments you by seeking your opinion. Maybe he wants to bolster his opinion with someones opinion that he values. AKA flattery
You could just take for what it seems to be. Your friend is giving you music to listen to and wants your opinion. Since you are in doubt you could just assume this person is both sincere and generous. After all, what really is your opinion on music worth? If you really see that this music is crap and feel the need to help this person see the light, why not just return the favor? Give your friend some of the music you prize as being the real thing. Tell them why you like it. Ask them to hear what you hear.That would allow you to take your criticism to a constructive place- get your point across without degrading this persons intentions. Also, if the person is really fishing for validation and direction from you- and given you have a sense of what it is they are trying to get to ( music that seems intelligent may indicate they would like to develop an ear for what is generally approved of as being intelligent), you have the opportunity to help them to this end. That is trust.

Thanks for the responses, both enjoyable and informative - and quite honestly a spin that I had never considered. Wellfed, I already had a disk in mind for Newbee's approach - Stereolab's "Emporer King
Ketchup"; I think my definition(s) of eclectic describe it nicely. Drubin - I doubt you'd consider me a snob but your reminder is well advised. Timf - a wise and well thought out response; I will certainly try your approach.