Jazz Guitar

I love jazz (mainly horns). I have lots of piano and horn based jazz. I would relly like to get some of the great guitar based jazz that I hear from time to time.

Please give any recomendations you may have. Sound quality is second priority to content. Old recordings of less than extraordinary sound quality are fine.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Joe Pass, Barney Kessell, John Carlini (taught Tony Rice), Larry Coryell, John Ambercrombie, Philip Catherine, John McLaughlin
I find a lot of jazz guitar boring. I guess Im not sophosticated enough to appreciate all the subtleties. One old favorite that does comes to mind is "Friends" by Crusaders' guitarist Larry Carlton. Some funky, some blues, all big fun. I have not heard it on cd but on my old vinyl copy the sound is great. Another one that I have really enjoyed is Steve Kahn "Blue Man".
Neither of these releases are the basic guitar trio explorations some people seem to love, but these are a couple of great albums that have gotten a lot of spin time over the years for me.
Thank you all for your input. Some I have hear of, some I own, most are new to me. Great stuff. Keep it coming.
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I too find Bldadr's comments interesting; I listened to some clips of the suggestions above and they were not what I was expecting and I don't think they'd be my cup-o-tea either.