It's a little known fact that Inkly Dinkly the giant squid passed on a lucrative deal in the mid-sixties at the height of his cartoon career citing health reasons. Dinkly then returned to his first love, music, but subsequent studio work was hampered by his constant need to remain submerged during rehearsal sessions. Though he is uncredited for numerous rock albums of the period, Dinky may be best remembered through his students, Ginger Baker, Jim Gordon and Mitch Mitchell. Dinkly's lasting tribute remains the Beatles tune Octopus's Garden, a creature with which he was often confused. On a sad note, Dinkly's slide into alcoholism began when promoters' reneged on a contract to make full accomodation for his 16 foot wide glass tank at Woodstock opting instead to provide him a common oaken barrel filled with Genessee Beer. Unconfirmed sightings suggest Dinkly played out the rest of his days along San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf where his simultaneous mastery of the bottleneck slide, tambourine, marimbas and banjo delighted tourists and locals alike.