Good percussion

I’m looking for some really good percussion albums. I really like the Sheffield Drum tracks and I also listen to Jazz. So anything with some outstanding Percussion would be appreciated.

Billy Cobham's "Spectrum". Great Tabla work on all of John McLaughlin's Shakti LP's. All the Steeley Dan and Donald Fagen LP's. Pat Methany uses various percussionists that are all over the place. Try out Brazilian like Milton Nascimento, Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil.
Richard's post reminded me of a CD with some of the best percussion and intricate, weaving rhythms that I've heard:
Youssou N'Dour "Immigres"

As he also mentioned, Brazilian music has some killer percussion. Along with the artists mentioned above, I'd definitely give a listen to Jorge Ben.
I agree with Billy Cobham Spectrum and Crosswinds too. Both are excellent albums from the 70s.

I got Billy's autograph in the mid 70s. He was awesome in concert, you could not even see his hands move they were so fast.
Steve Tibbets - "Exploded View"

also register one more vote for Billy Cobham. "Spectrum" and "Crosswinds" are great even if you're not simply interested in percussion.

Not Jazz, but nice listening -
Stomu Yamashta, Michael Shrieve, Steve Winwood - "Go"
Michael Shrieve - "The Big Picture"

and, very different but big time percussion - "Blue Man Group"