Have U ever bought an LP because of the cover art?

I was talking to a friend who was telling me that he got into various artists because the LP cover was interesting, have you ever bought something for the same reason?
Carly Simon's "Playing Possum". I liked her music, but the cover was better than gravy.
The first Black Sabbath album in 1970 at age 13 and Pink Floyd's Meddle in 1972 at 15. I was totally unfamiliar with both albums and bands at the time.
Shventus: Thanks for the interesting bit of info. As to what Papertrail said, i guess we can learn something new everyday. Even here on Audiogon ;) Sean
I've bought some of the early classical recordings on RCA, Capitol, etc., just for the cover art. I love abstract art, and these really fit the bill. I've played the music inside the covers of course, and enjoy that as well. Some of these covers deserve framing and placing on the wall.
Almost always. Good cover art, in my opinion, suggests that care was taken in all aspects of production. Not always true, but a good barometer. There are, of course, exceptions. I remember picking up "Stealing Fire" by Bruce Cockburn and putting it back a dozen times because the cover art was so bad. I'm glad I eventually got over it. Great, great album.
With classical, I have this prejudice against albums whose cover art features the conductor or soloist looking sexy. Covers that feature the composer or the piece in question (i.e. a pastoral scene for Beethoven's 6th) are much more likely to get my money. As much as I like to look at Hilary Hahn (or Maxim Vengerov for you ladies out there), when I am in the serious process of choosing music, sex appeal has no place.
Am I in the minority here, or are the marketing folk that clueless?


P.S. Records made on a shoestring budget, of course, get an exemption. But Deutsche Gramophon's hot new release or a new album by Green Day have the resources to do it well from start to finish, including cover art.