What haven't you listened to in a long time, but..

Every so often I grab a cd or album that I haven't listened to in a long time, and realize just how good it still is. This afternoon I played East West by the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. A 1964 Chicago blues group featuring Paul Butterfield vocals and blues harmonica, Mike Bloomfield-lead guitar, Elvin Bishop-guitar, Mark Naftalin-piano, Jerome Arnold-bass, and Billy Davenport-drums. I have the original album that was released in 1966, and a cd that was produced in 1987 through Denon Records. They both sound great, and the cd is excellently produced. Bloomfield's guitaring is in a class by itself, especially considering it was 1966. I remember seeing a free concert in Tompkins Square Park in the east village featuring a battle of the bands: The Blues Project (Al Kooper's band) vs. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band. AND IT WAS FREE!

Those were the days...

So what have you heard lately, that you haven't heard in a long time?
Led Zep II. I got my kids electric guitars last year, and now they both want to be Jimmy Page.
Wow what a great album that is, and it still sounds good!
Freddie's voice on Queen II is amazing. Thanks for the Jap remaster suggestion ... is it really much better than the standard CD ? I have the hollywood remaster of "News of the World" and it sounds pretty good to me.
Foreigner 4. Probably one of my first 10 CDs. I almost forgot that these guys used to rock. Even the pointing-to-the-adult-contemporary-future tune "I've been waiting for a girl like you" sounded fresh. Lou Gramm was an awesome vocalist.
I've listened to two old favorites lately, String Driven Thing's "The Machine That Cried" a violin based rock album/cd and Small Faces' "Ogden's Nut Gone Flake". Geez louise, love 'em both!!!
Its been Mike Bloomfield, an Anthology cd, Electic Flag, and If You Leave These Blues Play 'em As You Please. Coincidence Rosstaman? And Gordus, yeah, String Driven Thing! Also, any psychedelia I pick up, lately Trader Horne and Music Emporium.