How Big is Your Music Collection

Just wondering, how big is your music collection. This includes CDs, SACDS, DVDs, LPs.
I personally have 1000+ Cds, 0-SACDS, 60 DVD concerts, and 0-LPs. It is interesting to see you input.
1200+ CD's
1000+ LP's
In the mix of CD's there are no SACD or DVD, but I do have a decent number of XRCD's, Gold CD's, and other audiophile quality CD's. It's too early in the morning to go and count them. I think the XRCD's are the best I've heard for two channel.
I still have boxes of 100's of cassette tapes I recorded from my albums.
Basically, to repeat what many a girlfriend has said when they see my collection: "Oh my God, it's huge!"
I've thinned out my LP collection and I'm down to about 500. My CD collection is at about 4500, needs more thinning out, but recent additions have slowed substantially and I've gotten lazy. No SACD's, just redbook.
Collecting 12,000 records wasn't tough back in the 80's when so many audiophiles and regular folks were dumping their records for the new and improved CD format.

I live in Eastern Washington, but placed ads in every medium to large newspaper within a 600 mile drive. Many jazz collections were bought for less that $3 record, usually at a dollar per record.

Storage was tough, until I had a contractor make built in record shelves in my listening room and in the den.

I do have about 2 to 3 thousand records culled out, which will be donated to the local public radio station annual record sale. (Please help support public radio).

Albert: You promise NOT to give them back? Hmm, I'll get back to you. Actually, I believe that you have been getting production master copies from the same guys I have been getting mine. Unfortunately, they're busy guys ...
Around 6000 CDs, 1200 LPs (I sold about 4000 of them over the years), around 200 DAT tapes, 180 open reel REVOX tapes, 0 SACDs and 24 music-DVDs.
Hate to disappoint Restock, but I am just yanking Jack's chain. Glad you enjoy
the recommendations, regardless, and thanks for that complement. Yes, it is
the music itself that lead me to this crazy hobby, and it's what matters most
to me. But I am not a 'collector-type' (at least not in the sense of some here),
and in fact would prefer to purge as much as possible from the "
stuff" that I do own on virtually every front. I've been ripping my tiny
collection to a hard drive after which I plan to sell off most of it that I don't
listen to as much. I sold what remained off what remained of my entire LP
collection about two years ago to a fellow A'goner (only about 400 LPs). I no
longer have a turntable. Recently went from separates to an integrated in my
home system (still have separates at work, and do prefer them). You get the
picture...I'm trying to simplify. Besides, I need the space to store all my
Hummel Figures and Hello Kitty stuff. I'm still constantly looking for new
music, and friends are always introducing me to both new and old. I too
have got some great recommendations right here in the music forums
(thanks to all who contribute there). But I no longer have the desire to actually
hang on to it least not as hard-copy. I'll leave the bragging rights to
the John Holmes and Ron Jeremy's of the collector world, and keep my own
pants on and zipped up. I actually do listen to music most of the working
day, as it is playing constantly at my studio most of the time. This may make
some of you shudder at the thought, but the Public Libraries in most big
cities are a vast resource for diverse music. You can check out CD's just as
you would books.
