What's your favorite Audiophile label, and why?

There are a bunch of people doing great releases or reissues. Some of them I have liked quite a bit, others I haven't been too impressed.

Rather than pick on anyone, I will say I really like everything I got from Simply Vinyl, and I have quite a few. The new MFSL stuff sounds a lot better than the old releases. SOme of the new Living Stereo SACDs sound awfully good. I bought three of them in the last couple of weeks.

What do you like, and why?
I heard a bunch of Mosaic 45s over the weekend and honestly I have a hard time believing there is anything better available. They really suck though, so don't buy any!
Viridian, most of the early MSFL releases I have were mastered by Ricker (mastered is appropo here). In Stan we Trust...
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ECM. It never disappoints. Kind of like buying a Hersey Bar. you always know you're going to get something good (and more likely interesting).